FAQ's About Chapters

"Matters that are typically dealt with in other certifying bodies by centralized governance will be dealt with primarily in chapters. Thus, we organize ourselves in such a way that we each participate in a relatively small group called a chapter consisting of approximately a dozen colleagues. Teaching or counseling programs directed by CPSP Diplomates are the primary responsibility of the chapter."

–Excerpt from The Covenant of CPSP

How are chapters formed? 

New chapters may be formed by the birthing of a new chapter from an established chapter or by several members coming together to form a new chapter. It is important, however, for chapters to have what is referred to as "critical mass"– four certified members – if the chapter intends to certify others. This is very often an important consideration in launching a new chapter.

What's the process for starting a new chapter? 

Complete and submit a New Chapter in-Formation Form, below. 

What does it cost to start a chapter? 

There is no cost to starting a chapter. Keep in mind that members will have annual CPSP dues but there are no additional CPSP dues or fees. Some but not all chapters have small additional chapter dues or ask that their members contribute to a chapter fund.

Why does our chapter name have to be a geographic location? 

We often get requests for referrals for chapters from potential new members or trainees, or members who are relocating. It's much faster to refer them to a chapter with a geographical name, however, chapters can call themselves whatever they'd like when they're together - but for the sake of the Directory, the Standards (§1110.6) requires a geographical name. 

How are chapter meetings structured? 

Chapters meet and function according to the Standards, in accordance with the By-laws. They regularly meet (an average of at least 2 hours per member per year) and function as a chapter in a manner that is congruent with and for the purposes expressed in the CPSP Covenant, and not as a joint, combined, or multiple organizational membership group.

Can a trainee at our training center join our chapter? 

No, trainees and supervisors cannot be in the same chapter. (Standards, §1110.5)

What duties are expected of a chapter? 

Chapters have the following duties and obligations:

  • To select a convener to oversee the scheduling of chapter meetings, coordination and general operation of the chapter, including accreditation program reviews, and communication with the regional representative and the Executive Chapter.
  • To provide support, guidance, full accountability, and consultation for its members.
  • Advise and consent on a member’s entry into supervisory training (§400.5, 410), psychotherapy supervisory training (§500.5, 510), or undertaking to function as a training supervisor (§410.1) or supervisor of psychotherapy training (§540.2, 540.3).
  • Advise and consent on a supervisor-in-training commencing training under a diplomate member of the chapter approved as training supervisor (§400.5) or a candidate for psychotherapy supervisory training commencing training under a diplomate member of the chapter approved to conduct training (§510.4).
  • Oversight of training programs conducted by chapter members (both diplomates and supervisors-in-training) is the primary responsibility of the chapter. This includes authorizing the establishment of a training program (§100.1.1), oversight of the self-study (§§160.2-160.3), participation in the program review (§160.4-160.7), and ongoing supervision (§160.8).
  • Conduct certification consultations for chapter members (§630), provided chapter certification (§1130) is current, or consultants participate as required (§630.2.2). 
  • To provide timely consultation to trainees functioning under their auspices.
  • To submit an Annual Chapter Report, as required.
  • To work to resolve any grievances that are filed and, if unresolved, will refer those grievances to the Governing Council.
  • To foster participation of all members in CPSP activities, including Plenary and National Clinical Training seminars.
  • To communicate needs and concerns to their Chapter of Diplomates and Chapter of Chapters representatives.
  • To sponsor at least one member (preferably its convener) to attend the annual Plenary and regional NCTS gatherings.
  • Sponsoring chapters shall provide consultation, mentoring, and certification consultations for the sponsored chapter, by annual agreement.

What authority do chapters have? 

CPSP membership is lived out in Chapters. Chapters are authorized by the Governing Council to function under the auspices of CPSP. This authorization must be renewed at the Spring Governing Council meeting. Chapters maintain their authority to function as Chapters of CPSP if they remain in good standing, i.e., in compliance with CPSP Standards, including filing the Chapter Annual Report and an outside consultation visit as needed and at a minimum of every three years. A written report of the consultation shall be included in the Chapter Annual Report made to the Governing Council. (By-Laws, §8.01)

Chapters will function freely, creatively and with autonomy while being subject to the authority of the Governing Council. (Standards, §1100.)

What's the chapter's role in certification? 

The chapter conducts a Chapter Certification Consultation (referencing the Standards for the certification sought), provides feedback to the candidate, and reports their findings and recommendations to the Certification Committee.

How does a chapter participate in the governance of CPSP? 

Each chapter, through the representation of its Convener, shall participate in the selection by consensus of a cluster representative to the Chapter of Chapters of the Governing Council. The cluster representatives will give voice to the interests of the Chapters within their Cluster, will be responsible for communication to and from the Governing Council and the Chapters of the Cluster, and will thereby assure that all Chapters are responsibly participating in and providing leadership to the entirety of CPSP life and its processes. (By-Laws, §8.03.)

What happens when my chapter has fewer than six people? 

Chapters that lack the number of certified members (at any level) required to certify or to review members for recertification shall establish a relation with another chapter for consulting, mentoring, and certification or recertification. This sponsoring relationship shall be renewed annually by agreement of both chapters, in consultation with the General Secretary and/or the Certification and Promotion of Chapters Committee. (Standards, §1100.)

What Region is my chapter in for representation on the Chapter of Chapters? 

There are six regions, each with a representative and an alternate on the Chapter of Chapters. 

Your region is...    If your chapter is in....

Region #1 - Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, George, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee 

Region #2 - Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington D.C., West Virginia, Wisconsin 

Region #3 -  Arizona, California, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, South Dakota, Oregon, Utah, Washington

Region #4 -  Alaska, Colorado, Louisiana, Montana, Hawaii, Idaho, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Wyoming, Canada, Puerto Rico

Region #5 -  Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont

Region #6 -  CPSP Hong Kong, CPSP-Philippines